Practice News
Every GP surgery across Bucks, Berks and Oxfordshire is shut for “Protected Learning Time, known as “PLT”. During this time, our phone lines will divert to an out-of-hours provider/if you need a GP urgently, please call 111.
PLT allows staff to learn about new clinical developments, updates to national guidance, and best practice in healthcare. It also gives us dedicated time to share experience and knowledge between staff.
Fundamentally, PLT is about improving patient care by providing a dedicated learning time for healthcare professionals away from their busy day-to-day primary care work.
The Wychwood Pharmacy will remain open.
We will be offering both flu and covid vaccines from 3rd October 2024 at the surgery please book online or contact the surgery after 12pm.
Covid eligibility this Autumn:-
- adults aged 65 years and over
- residents in a care home for older adults
- individuals aged 6 months to 64 years in a clinical risk group (as defined in tables 3 or 4 in the COVID-19 chapter of the Green Book)
- frontline NHS and social care workers, and those working in care homes for older people
You can get the free NHS flu vaccine if you:
- are aged 65 or over
- have certain long-term health conditions
- are pregnant
- live in a care home
- are the main carer for an older or disabled person, or receive a carer's allowance
- live with someone who has a weakened immune system
Please note oN Thursday 26th September 1.30-6.30pm the surgery will be closed for staff training.
Every GP surgery across Bucks, Berks and Oxfordshire is shut for “Protected Learning Time, known as “PLT”. During this time, our phone lines will divert to an out-of-hours provider/if you need a GP urgently, please call 111.
PLT allows staff to learn about new clinical developments, updates to national guidance, and best practice in healthcare. It also gives us dedicated time to share experience and knowledge between staff.
Fundamentally, PLT is about improving patient care by providing a dedicated learning time for healthcare professionals away from their busy day-to-day primary care work.
PLT is planned to take place quarterly.
The Wychwood Pharmacy will remain open.
The prescribing of medications for fear of flying and other procedures.
A practice wide decision has been made, as per the latest guidelines, that we no longer prescribe any sedatives for radiology/dental procedures, or for fear of flying.
When you are attending your appointment radiologists and dentists can assess, and act as needed.
There are websites available for support regarding fear of flying:
Cervical Smears
- There are around 2,700 cases of cervical cancer diagnosed in England every year, but we can make this a thing of the past thanks to cervical screening and HPV vaccination.
- If you have received an invitation for cervical screening, please don’t wait. Call your GP practice to book an appointment as soon as possible. Evening and weekend appointments are available at some GP practices, making it more convenient for you to attend. Some local sexual health services also offer cervical screening.
- If you missed your last cervical screening, book an appointment with your GP practice now – it is not too late.
- The NHS Cervical Screening Programme saves thousands of lives every year by checking for high-risk Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which causes nearly all cervical cancers.
- High-risk HPV testing is a more sensitive and accurate test than the previous screening method (known as a smear test), which tested for abnormal cells, and is the best way to find out who is at higher risk of developing the cervical cell changes that over time could potentially lead to cervical cancer.
Surgery Closed Tuesday 27th February PM
Please note on Tueday 27th February 1.30-6.30pm the surgery will be closed for staff training.
Every GP surgery across Bucks, Berks and Oxfordshire is shut for “Protected Learning Time, known as “PLT”. During this time, our phone lines will divert to an out-of-hours provider/if you need a GP urgently, please call 111.
PLT allows staff to learn about new clinical developments, updates to national guidance, and best practice in healthcare. It also gives us dedicated time to share experience and knowledge between staff.
Fundamentally, PLT is about improving patient care by providing a dedicated learning time for healthcare professionals away from their busy day-to-day primary care work.
PLT is planned to take place quarterly.
The Wychwood Pharmacy will remain open.
Health Visiting Service
Cotswold Villages Health Visiting Team
Well Baby Clinic: every Wednesday 1pm – 2.30pm (by appointment only) then baby Lunchbox (for feeding advice) 2.30pm-3pm at Chipping Norton Hospital, Russell Way, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, OX7 5FA
Our telephone number for appointments only is: 01865 903937.
Our website is Health Visiting - Oxford Health NHS Foundation TrustHealth Visiting Service
If a parent has any concerns regarding their child, they can also contact Parentline on 07312263081
Ordering your prescription through the NHS App
Did you know you can manage repeat prescriptions from Wychwood Surgery in the NHS App?
You can easily choose where your prescriptions are sent. So, if you know you'll be away from home or you are moving home, you can change your nominated pharmacy from within the app.
You can also order your prescription at any time that suits you. There’s no need to wait to join a telephone queue or wait until the GP surgery opens.
It’s easy to use, and, if you hit a snag, you can go to ‘Help’ in the top right-hand corner of the app or visit
Find out more about the NHS App at:
Workout you can do at home!
Age UK Information
Age UK Oxfordshire has launched a new scams prevention and support programme for older people in Oxfordshire area.
We are able to offer group talks to raise awareness of scams and also 1 to 1 sessions for those who have been affected by scams.
The programme, funded by Lloyds Banking Group, will help to prevent older people from falling for scams by increasing their knowledge and confidence to recognise and deal with attempted scams. It will also provide support to older fraud victims recovering after an incident.
Older people can be particularly vulnerable to fraud and scams, which can have a serious emotional and financial impact, and can damage quality of life and wellbeing for many.
Sophisticated scams have been on the rise during the pandemic with criminals devising even more ways to target those they believe to be vulnerable. This means it’s even more vital to support those that may be at greater risk.
We’re really pleased to be launching the Age UK Scams Prevention and Support Programme in the Oxfordshire area. Scams can have a devastating effect on older victims - in England and Wales an older person becomes a victim of fraud every 40 seconds, which is over 800,000 older people every year. This shows us just how important this programme is to try and keep the older people in Oxfordshire as safe as possible when it comes to financial crime.
Contact Us
To find out more about Age UK Oxfordshire’s Scams Prevention and Support Programme, please contact: 0345 450 1276.
Please complete form prior to your covid booster and bring to your appointment.
Kind regards,
Zoe Grisenthwaite
Practice Business Manager
Covid vaccinations during pregnancy
Are you, or have you been, worried about having a covid vacination whilst being prengnant?
Dr Brenda Kelly, Obsterician Consultant at OUH, explains what women who are pregnant and currently breastfeading should expect when considering the COVID-19 vaccine.
Please click this Link to find out more.